Bringing innovative data science and survey methods to social and political research, we help our clients understand a rapidly changing world.
Our work
Left | Right | Out: How voters perceive their own politics and the relative positions of political parties in a left/right ideological space
The latest in a series of MRPs conducted by Accent Research and RedBridge Group, providing insights into Australia's political landscape in the lead up to the next federal election.
Australia’s political landscape: Spring 2024
The fourth in a series of MRPs conducted by Accent Research and RedBridge Group, providing insights into Australia's political landscape in the lead up to the next federal election.
The end of the Australian Dream? How Australians feel about housing, opportunities for the next generation, and their own retirement
The third in a series of MRPs conducted by Accent Research and RedBridge Group, providing insights into Australia's political landscape in the lead up to the next federal election.
Australia’s political landscape: Winter 2024
The second in a series of MRPs conducted by Accent Research and RedBridge Group, providing insights into Australia's political landscape in the lead up to the next federal election.
The political landscape a year from the 2025 election
MRP Results: February-May 2024: An Accent Research and RedBridge Group report
Gen-Z are different
The second in a series of papers by Accent Research exploring long-term trends in the Australian electorate, and analysing their implications for federal politics.
The Voice
This report provides an analysis of what Australians were thinking as they were voting at the 2023 referendum.